The first time that I heard about Hunty, I was intrigued by how it was helping so many people find jobs. It was clear Hunty was accomplishing this through an easier and faster way than traditional headhunters. On average, professionals in Latin America spend 210 days finding a new job, which means seven months without an income [1]. Hunty, on the other hand, backed by its technological processes, helps professionals find a job in less than 2 months. I met Sebastian, Hunty’s founder, through an introduction made by Rebeca Hwang, Partner of Kalei Ventures, an investor in Hunty. Rebeca had shared the investment opportunity with the community of WeInvest female investors. I was really interested in knowing more about the team and the solution and asked Rebeca to connect me with Sebastian. When I had the first call with Sebastian, I understood why Hunty was growing so fast. Sebastian was completely invested in Hunty and its mission and had added three co-founders with different backgrounds and perspectives. All their efforts were focused on helping people increase the chance of finding the best workplace for them. Sebastian and his co-founders are constantly experimenting and exploring different ways to make a bigger impact on Hunty’s end users. Soon after that first call, my team and I decided to start an investment process. Sebastian was very willing to answer all of our questions and we received good feedback from previous investors. We presented the opportunity to the investment committee and it was approved unanimously.
How is Hunty solving unemployment in Latin America?
Hunty is a platform that uses technology to create personalized training programs for job seekers, accompanying and helping them to find their perfect job. The company connects a network of job seekers, career coaches and hiring companies. The coaches prepare each applicant to perform better on their search and selection processes giving ongoing feedback, mocking interviews, job finding hacks, among others services. The solution allows job seekers to find a position with an average salary 30% above their previous salary, and 75% faster than the market average. Hunty has a solid track record: 9 out of 10 applicants can find a job through its programs. Hunty partners with a broad range of corporates and startups to facilitate the evaluation and selection process. Some of their partners are Avianca, Addi, Cabify, Deel, Rappi, Mercado Libre, among others companies in Mexico and Colombia. The company charges per placement one month of salary billed in three separate payments without interest. They don’t charge job-seekers if they don’t end up finding a job.
Mentors are the game changers for our solution. They are the secret sauce of Hunty because they are the ones who will accompany each job-seeker to improve their speech and negotiate their salary. Also, they boost their morale, helping them believe in themselves. All those efforts positively impact our clients and make them value our services more
Sebastian Caro
Building the dream team
Prior to founding Hunty, Sebastian had founded two other companies: La Bodega ecommerce and Data Freaks, an Edtech platform with digital marketing courses. Data Freaks’s clients used to take the courses to increase their options to get a job. After the pandemic, Data Freaks had a tough time and Sebas started to think how he could pivot the business. He decided to do an experiment and charge people for finding them a job, he did his first placement in December 2020 and created Hunty. Hunty’s team has a broad experience in entrepreneurship, education, and technology. Sebastian, Valentina, Santiago and Francisco share the same ending goal of fighting against unemployment in Latin America and helping people to find their dream job. Sebastian and Santiago worked together for many years before starting Hunty, they both co-founded Data Freaks. Valentina holds a master’s degree in inequalities and social science from The London School of Economics and she has previous experience working at Laboratoria. Francisco was Co-founder at Scient and Data Scientist at Platzi. The management team is backed by top regional angel investors and venture capital funds as QED (Fontes Fund), FJ Labs, Cometa Ventures, Latitud, among others. Hunty has been building a strong team with diverse backgrounds and skills of 200 people, where 76% are women.
Impact across the region
In Latin America and the Caribbean, there are 28.8 million people looking for a job [2], who are facing many problems that Hunty looks to solve. Many of them don’t receive a callback from interviewers, don’t know how the selection process works, or don’t know where to look for employment. All these situations transform the process of looking for a job into an exhausting, and frustrating ordeal for the job seeker. Hunty is doing its best to help talented people to find their perfect job. The company started in Colombia, after that they want to increase their impact and open an office in Mexico. Since they have started, they have helped over 3,000 people to find a job on average in less than two months. Hunty is focusing on the job-seeker, compared to their competitors who are focusing on the employers or charging high upfront fees.
Thinking big
The Hunty team’s goal for 2028 is to reach 200,000 placements per year, which implies an annual revenue of US$300M. [3] The team wants to increase its impact across the region. They are looking to expand to Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.
Entrepreneurs have a strong responsibility and a vital role within society because we are problem solvers, and Latin America is full of challenges. Entrepreneurs see opportunities in this, and we go out to fix, build and help people’s lives to be a little better. Hunty is trying to have a huge impact on society. Every day we are helping people to find better jobs and wages
Sebastian Caro
We are impressed by the work that Hunty’s team is doing and the commitment they have to make an impact across the region. We are happy that we can support their mission of ending unemployment in Latin America.
[1] Hunty research
[2] Desempleo en América Latina, Organización de las Naciones Unidas
[3] Hunty, la plataforma que te ayuda a encontrar empleo, Portafolio